BASEFONT - Base Font Change



Attribute Specifications

[3.2] COLOR=Color (font color adjustment)
[3.2] SIZE=CDATA (font size adjustment)
[4.0] FACE=CDATA (font face adjustment)
[4.0] ID=string
[4.0] CLASS=string
[4.0] LANG=Language (i.e. RU - Russian)



Contained in

Inline elements, block-level elements except PRE


The BASEFONT element, deprecated in HTMLá4.0 in favor of style sheets, allows authors to suggest rudimentary font changes. Use of the BASEFONT element brings the same usability and accessibility problems as FONT, as discussed in the article What's Wrong With FONT?

Unlike FONT, BASEFONT's changes affect the base font, and so apply to all content following the BASEFONT element except for headings. However, most browsers fail to apply changes in the base font size and color to TABLEs.

[3.2] SIZE

BASEFONT's required SIZE attribute specifies the font size to use on a browser-dependent scale of 1 to 7, with the default being 3.

[3.2] COLOR & FACE

The poorly supported COLOR and FACE attributes suggest a font color and face, respectively. Style sheets are better supported and more flexible than BASEFONT's COLOR and FACE attributes.

[4.0] ID

The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document. The attribute's value must begin with a letter in the range A-Z or a-z and may be followed by letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").

The following example uses the ID attribute to identify each of the first two paragraphs of a document:

<P ID=firstp>My first paragraph.</P>
<P ID=secondp>My second paragaph.</P>

The paragraphs in the example could have style rules associated with them through their ID attributes. The following Cascading Style Sheet defines unique colors for the two paragraphs:

P#firstp {
  color: navy;
  background: transparent

P#secondp {
  color: black;
  background: transparent

The paragraphs in the initial example could also be used as a target anchor for links:

<P>See <A HREF="#firstp">the opening paragraph</A> for more information.</P>

Note that most browsers do not support the ID attribute for link anchors. For current browsers, authors should use <A NAME>...</A> within the element instead of ID.

Since ID and NAME share the same name space, authors cannot use the same value for an ID attribute and a NAME attribute in the same document. Also note that while NAME may contain entities, the ID attribute value may not.

[4.0] CLASS

The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes. Classes allow authors to define specific kinds of a given element. For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code and <CODE CLASS=Perl> when giving Perl code.

Unlike with the ID attribute, any number of elements can share the same class. An element may also belong to multiple classes; the CLASS attribute value is a space-separated list of class names.

Note that most current browsers do not support multiple classes. Such browsers typically ignore a CLASS attribute that specifies multiple classes.

The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets. For example, consider the following navigation bar:

<DIV CLASS=navbar>
<P><A HREF="/">Home</A> | <A HREF="./">Index</A> | <A HREF="/search.html">Search</A></P>
<P><A HREF="/"><IMG SRC="logo.gif" ALT="" TITLE="WDG Logo"></A></P>

This example's use of the CLASS attribute allows style rules to easily be added. The following Cascading Style Sheet suggests a presentation for the preceding example:

.navbar {
  margin-top: 2em;
  padding-top: 1em;
  border-top: solid thin navy

.navbar IMG { float: right }

@media print {
  .navbar { display: none }
[4.0] LANG

The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute. While the LANG attribute is not widely supported, its use may help search engines index a document by its language while allowing speech synthesizers to use language-dependent pronunciation rules. As well, visual browsers can use the language's proper quotation marks when rendering the Q element.

The attribute value is case-insensitive, and should be specified according to RFC 1766; examples include en for English, en-US for American English, and ja for Japanese. Whitespace is not allowed in the language code.

Use of the LANG attribute also allows authors to easily change the style of text depending on the language. For example, a bilingual document may have one language in italics if rendered visually or a different voice if rendered aurally. The HTML of such a document might be as follows:

<TITLE>Welcome - Bienvenue</TITLE>
  <SPAN LANG=en>Welcome</SPAN> -
  <SPAN LANG=fr>Bienvenue</SPAN>
<P LANG=en>This paragraph is in English.</P>
<P LANG=fr>Ce paragraphe est en franτais.</P>

A document's primary language may be set using the LANG attribute on the HTML element, or, alternatively, by using the Content-Language HTTP header.

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